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CW single-frequency ring Ti:Sapphire laser, model "TIS-SF-077"

Ti:Sapphire laser

TIS-SF-077 (785 kB)

Frequency-stabilised Ti:Sapphire laser, model TIS-SF-077, is a further development of model TIS-SF-07. Laser TIS-SF-077 includes two electronic control units, one of which ensures single-frequency operation of the laser, and the other controls the frequency stabilisation system. The frequency stabilisation system includes two electronic control loops (fast and slow), which guarantee reliable locking of the laser output frequency onto the reference interferometer and excellent noise immunity.

The output power of the TIS-SF-077 laser exceeds 1.5 W (around 790-810 nm) when pumped with DPSS 10 W at either 532/515-nm wavelength or all B-G lines of Ar laser.

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