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Ultra-narrow-linewidth CW single frequency ring Ti:Sapphire laser,
model "TIS-SF-787"

Compact CW single-frequency ring laser

The latest product in Tekhnoscan's line of lasers, the TIS-SF-787 offers a radical ultra-narrow linewidth which, together with its extremely wide tunable range, new level of compactness and frequency-stability.

TIS-SF-787 ring Ti:Sapphire laser combines excellent reliability and the best available radiation frequency stability, with traditional super-wide tunable range. TIS-SF-787 model also allows for key operational regimes to be activated in hands-free mode, therefore considerably improving the user experience and making possible the automation of tuning procedures and smooth frequency scanning.

Existing Ti:Sapphire lasers are limited to a laser line width of 50-100 kHz. Tekhnoscan's TIS-SF-787 laser has an ultra-narrow absolute linewidth at less than 10kHz, expanding the market for new applications in fundamental research (atomic cooling, atomic trapping and quantum manipulation, optical pumping) as well as contemporary cutting-edge technologies (atomic lithography, optical metrology, high-density data recording). The TIS-SF-787 laser also features an exceptional wavelength range, from 690 to 1050 nm, which can be expanded into the short-wavelength 345-525 nm domain using Tekhnoscan's existing resonant frequency doubler, model FD-SF-07. In this configuration the absolute radiation line width remains less than 10 kHz for the fundamental radiation and less 20 kHz for the second-harmonic radiation.

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