Applications by Laser Type:
Single-frequency ultra-wide-tunable lasers:
atom cooling, trapping, and quantum manipulation, quantum cryptography,
atomic lithography, atom trap trace analysis, atomic clocks, nanotechnologies
(nanostructure fabrication etc.), formation of cold molecules, high resolution
spectroscopy including laser trapping spectroscopy, Bose-Einstein condensation,
artificial laser guide stars, materials analysis, control in vapour deposition
Ti:Sapphire lasers:
Dye lasers:
hybrid tunable laser systems,
UV-blue-green tandems
Narrow-line ultra-wide-tunable lasers:
wide-range spectral studies and characterisation of quantum semiconductor
structures and meta-materials, nano-technological applications,
processes monitoring & control, Raman and molecular spectroscopy,
flow cytometry, quality control
autoscanned T&D-scan laser system,
Ultrashort pulse lasers:
ultrafast and non-linear laser physics research, photochemistry and biology,
FRET analysis, terahertz or t-ray generation, frequency combs, microfabrication,
parameters characterization of biological and photonics materials, direct-write
of optical waveguides, fiber Bragg grating writing, nano-photonics,
nano-medicine, high-resolution multiphoton tomography, fluorescence-lifetime
imaging microscopy, optical DNA sensing technology, microsurgery,
laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy, optical measurements in combusting flows
and sprays, high capacity optical data storage, remote sensing, amplifier
Ti:Sapphire laser FEMoS, Yb:KYW laser
Femto-Star, Yb-based fiber laser
Ytterbius-Master, Yb-based fiber
laser Ytterbius-1100, Er-based fiber
laser Erbius-Femto
Applications by Field:
- Nanoscience and nano-system fabrication ...

- Cooling and trapping of atoms and molecules ...

- Femto-technologies & femtoscopy
- Bio-technologies
- Metrology
- Terahertz Imaging
- OEM Applications
See also:
Laser Products Gallery ...

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