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Applications of Tekhnoscan's ultrafast lasers
in nano-science and nano-technologies


Optical measurement techniques, including those relying on femtosecond lasers are among the main information sources on nano-structures and key methods of their non-invasive control. Femtosecond light pulses feature extremely short duration and high radiation intensity that constitute the uniqueness of their interaction with nano-structures and nano-compound materials and provide exceptional opportunities for investigation of ultra-fast process dynamics in these materials. Study of ultra-fast phenomena in different nano-structures (thin films, quantum-sized and fractal structures, layered nano-materials, etc.) provides the necessary fundamental knowledge base in this area for development of more advanced and faster devices in nano-electronics, opto-electronics, and spintronics. This research also facilitates development of ways to control elementary excitation in solid-state matter (phonons, excitons, plasmons, etc.) as well as plasmon-exciton interactions in hybrid nano-structures, and prospective methods for laser modification of nano-structure properties. They are important for building efficient terahertz radiation generators based on nano-structures and in solving many other problems.

Application of femtosecond laser systems in combination with devices providing high spatial resolution (atomic-force and tunnel microscopes, optical near-field microscopes) allows a substantial acceleration of progress in development of highly sensitive non-linear optical methods for analysis of composition, structure, and morphology of nano-structured materials and further opens a way to an entirely new level of understanding in the field of nano-states of matter.

Lasers generating short (nanosecond) and ultra-short (pico- and femtosecond) pulses offered by Tekhnoscan are reliable instruments invaluable in research and in solving high-technology problems related to nano-systems and material sciences.

Solid-state (Ti:Sapphire, Yb:KYW) pico- and femtosecond lasers "FEMoS" and "Femto-Star" provide, correspondingly, output pulse duration 20-50 fs in 720-1000 / 310-500 nm and 250 fs to 10 ps in the range of 1040-1050 / 520-525 nm.

The family of fibre lasers offered by Tekhnoscan ("Ytterbius-Master", "Erbius-Femto", and others) provides femtosecond, picosecond, and nanosecond pulses in the range 1060-1115 / 530-557 nm and 1550-1620 / 775-810 nm.

Solid-state and fibre lasers are available in combination with optical amplifiers used to increase the energy of output radiation pulses up to 100 uJ and higher. In addition, ultra-fast Tekhnoscan lasers may be shipped as kits with all necessary special equipment and as complete turn-key femtosecond laser labs.

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