Hybrid tunable laser system (Solid-state / Dye)

TIS/DYE-SF-07 (1,1 MB)
In model TIS/DYE-SF-07 such double optical set-up has been for the
first time
implemented on the basis of a ring cavity with horizontal orientation.
This horizontal orientation of the resonator plane for both lasers allows
compact arrangement of the cavity elements on a rigid and massive
vibro-isolated base of TIS/DYE-SF-07, which ensures
high stability of the
generation parameters of both the Ti:Sapphire and Dye lasers.
The single-frequency CW ring laser TIS/DYE-SF-07 is a passively stabilised
laser, its output linewidth in the Ti:Sapphire configuration being about
5 MHz rms and in the Dye one, 10 MHz rms. Active
frequency stabilisation
performed through an external thermo-stabilised cavity is available in model
TIS/DYE-SF-077; it provides short-time linewidth less
than 100 kHz rms for Ti:Sapphire and Dye lasers.
The standard spectral range of the laser system of 570-1050 nm can be
extended into the 285-525-nm range by using the Tekhnoscan's efficient
resonant external frequency doubler
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