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Tekhnoscan Group is engaged in research, development, and manufacture of advanced lasers, laser systems, as well as laser components and accessories for scientific, high-technology, and other applications. The main activity focus of Tekhnoscan Group is Photonics of High Technologies™.

The traditional mark of Tekhnoscan Group products is a solid combination of class-leading performance parameters with high reliability and ease of operation. CW tuneable lasers offered by Tekhnoscan Group feature record-narrow output line width and highly precise continuous scanning of ultra-narrow radiation lines in very broad spectral ranges. Our pulsed lasers deliver ultra-short output pulses with high peak power or uniquely high pulse energy. Tekhnoscan’s resonant frequency doublers boast the market-best efficiency of non-linear transformation of radiation. Powerful DPSS lasers produced by Tekhnoscan Group round up our line of products, providing the natural option of complete laser systems not requiring any additional components for their normal operation.

Companies of Tekhnoscan Group make extensive use of many leading-edge technologies, — fibre-optical, solid-state, semiconductor, hybrid, and others, — to introduce novel laser sources with unique parameters, including special and OEM orders.

Members of Tekhnoscan Group rely on direct shipment of their products both in Russia and abroad. They install and start the shipped laser equipment on the customer’s premises and provide all the necessary training of personnel. Laser equipment manufactured by Tekhnoscan Group was installed and is extensively used at numerous scientific and technological organisations, atomic and metrological centers around the world.

Tekhnoscan Group was born in 1993 when the first of its members, Tekhnoscan Co. was established as an innovation spin-off of the Novosibirsk National State Research University (NSU) on the base of University’s Division of Laser Physics and Innovative Technologies. Tekhnoscan Co. has the status of a small R&D enterprise associated with NSU and is resident at the Technopark of Novosibirsk Academgorodok.

Later on were founded the companies "Tekhnoscan - Laser systems" (first prize of the regional phase of the national entrepreneurship competition “Golden Mercury” in the nomination “The best small innovation enterprise” in 2010), "Tekhnoscan - Lab" and "Tekhnoscan Photonics" (participants of the innovation centre “Skolkovo”). Most of the research and manufacturing facilities of Tekhnoscan Group are located on the premises of the Technopark of Novosibirsk Academgorodok.

Tekhnoscan Group is headed by Sergey Kobtsev, Dr. Sci. (Habilitation), PhD, Assoc. Prof., who is an internationally known specialist in laser physics and photonic technologies.