The products of Tekhnoscan Photonics are infused with the spirit of innovation in general and in small details.
The designs and forms reflect an original approach, offering users the best performance and ease of use at a reasonable price.
The company is entirely unique both in its methods and sales terms as well as in its approach to equipment installation.
The company has grown within a technology park in an academic town and has strong ties with scientific research laboratories.
New research results (considering their practical applicability, adaptation to specific Company products, and beneficial effects)
are promptly introduced by the Company.
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Most of the Company’s solutions are protected as “know-how”, which is why the our products have no third-party copies or analogues.
The optical configurations of Tekhnoscan Photonics’ lasers are open and can be replicated, but those configurations are far from being the main
component of our products. Consequently, Tekhnoscan Photonics’ products remain unique for a long time. Speaking about the major innovative solutions,
one must mention the original design of the laser optical platform that allows implementing both titanium-sapphire and dye lasers on a single platform.
This design is used exclusively by Tekhnoscan Photonics and offers users the ability to obtain a specified radiation wavelength across an ultra-broad
spectral range. The optical platform design stands out not only due to its versatility in terms of implementing a widely tunable solid-state or Dye-jet laser
on its base, but also due to a super-rigid 3D structure isolated from mechanical vibration of the installation site. The laser electronic control units,
the dye solution circulation system, the reference interferometer, the resonant frequency doubling generator, the designs of the short-pulse lasers,
the auto-correlator, &c, are also entirely original.