Tekhnoscan Photonics company established manufacturing and informal connections with
other R & D companies participating in the SibAcademInnovation Association
(Uniscan, Angstrom, Siberian Monocrystal, etc.). Many years of R & D
co-operation developed strong ties between Tekhnoscan Photonics and Novosibirsk National Research State University,
Aston University (UK), Institute of Laser Physics SB RAS (Siberian Branch of the Russian
Academy of Science), A.F.Ioffe Physico-Technical Institute, Institute of Automation &
Electrometry SB RAS, Siberian Centre of Laser Medicine,
Institute of Semiconductor Physics SB RAS.
The scientific, technological, and manufacturing potential
of the Tekhnoscan Photonics company is based upon unique scientific, technical and
technological potential of the
Novosibirsk Scientific Centre and
Technopark of Novosibirsk Arademgorodok. Latest scientific and technical
advancements combined with precision mechanics, high-grade optics, and
contemporary electronics give Tekhnoscan the opportunity to develop laser
equipment of any complexity.
Tekhnoscan Photonics company is currently a member
of Skolkovo Innovation Center.