Tekhnoscan's Team Selected Publication List
Stochasticity, periodicity and localized light structures in partially mode-locked fibre lasers.
Nature Communications, v. 6, 7004 (2015).
Simple digital system for tuning and long-term frequency stabilization of a CW Ti:Sapphire laser.
Optical Engineering, v. 54(3), 034111 (2015).
Atomic clock based on a coherent population trapping resonance in 87Rb with improved high-frequency modulation parameters.
Proc. SPIE, v. 9378, 93780A (2015).
High average power mode-locked figure-eight Yb fibre master oscillator.
Optics Express, v. 22(25), 31379-31386 (2014).
Variable-wavelength second harmonic generation of CW Yb-fibre laser in partially coupled enhancement cavity.
Optics Express, v. 22(6), 7046-7051 (2014).
Automatic electronic-controlled mode locking self-start in fibre lasers with non-linear polarisation evolution.
Optics Express, v. 21(18), 20626-20631 (2013).
Spectrum-, pulsewidth-, and wavelength-switchable all-fiber mode-locked Yb laser with fiber based
birefringent filter.
Optics Express, v. 20(16), 17797-17805 (2012).
Gamma-shaped long-cavity normal-dispersion modelocked Er-fiber laser for sub-nanosecond high-energy pulsed generation.
Laser Physics Letters, v. 9(1), 59-67 (2012).
Mode-Locked Fibre Lasers with High-Energy Pulses.
Chapter 3 in book "Laser Systems for Applications", InTech, 2011.
High-Energy Femtosecond 1086/543-nm Fiber System for Nano- and Micromachining in Transparent Materials and on Solid Surfaces.
Laser Physics, v. 21(2), 308-311 (2011).
Mode-Locked Yb Fiber Laser with Saturable Absorber Based on Carbon Nanotubes.
Laser Physics, v. 21(2), 283–286 (2011).
High-energy mode-locked all-fiber laser with ultralong resonator.
Laser Physics, v. 20(2), 351-356 (2010).
Wide-spectrally-tunable CW and femtosecond linear fiber lasers with ultrabroadband loop mirrors based on fiber circulators.
Laser Physics, v. 20(2), 347-350 (2010).
Powerful narrow-line source of blue light for laser cooling Yb/Er and Dysprosium atoms.
Proc. SPIE, v. 7578, 75782F (2010).
Ultra-wide-tunable fibre source of femto- and picosecond pulses based on intracavity Raman conversion.
Proc. SPIE, v. 7580, 758023 (2010).
Generation of double-scale femto/pico-second optical lumps in mode-locked
fiber lasers.
Optics Express, v. 17(23), 20707-20713 (2009).
Wide-autoscanned narrow-line tunable system based on
CW Ti:Sapphire/Dye laser for high precision experiments in nanophysics.
Proc. SPIE, v. 7193, 71932S (2009).
Ultra-low repetition rate mode-locked fiber laser with high-energy pulses.
Optics Express, v. 16(26), 21936-21941 (2008).
High-energy Q-switched fiber laser based on the side-pumped active fiber.
Laser Physics, v. 18(11), 1230-1233 (2008).
Hybrid bulk/fibre MOPA system based on Yb:KYW laser.
Proc. SPIE, v. 6871, 68710Y (2008).
Long-term frequency stabilization of a continuous-wave tunable laser with the help of a precision
Applied Optics, v. 46(23), 5840-5843 (2007).
Ultra-narrow-linewidth combined CW
Ti:Sapphire/Dye laser for atom cooling and high-precision spectroscopy.
Proc. SPIE, v. 6451, 64511U (2007).
Resonant doubler with a 2-THz automatic quasi-smooth
scan range for widely tunable CW single-frequency lasers.
Proc. SPIE, v. 6455, 645517 (2007).
Combined CW single-frequency ring Dye/Ti:Sapphire laser.
Quantum Electronics, v. 36(12), 1148 - 1152 (2006).
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