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Tekhnoscan Lasers

Selected publication list with participation of Tekhnoscan's experts

Methods of radiation wavelength tuning in short-pulsed fibre lasers. Photonics, v. 11, No. 1, 28 (2024).
Designing freeform optics for high-quality Gaussian beam tailoring from diode lasers for Ti:Sa laser pumping. Proc. SPIE, v. 13237, 132371H (2024).
Noise-like pulses: stabilization, production, and application. J. Opt. Soc. Am. B, v. 41, 1116-1127 (2024).
Artificial saturable absorbers for ultrafast fibre lasers. Opt. Fiber Technol., v. 68, 102764 (2022).
Machine learning and applications in ultrafast photonics. Nature Photonics, v. 15, 91–101 (2021).
Tunable powerful UV laser system with UV noise eater. Proc. SPIE, v. 10539, 105391C (2018).
Stochasticity, periodicity and localized light structures in partially mode-locked fibre lasers. Nature Communications, v. 6, 7004 (2015).
Simple digital system for tuning and long-term frequency stabilization of a CW Ti:Sapphire laser. Optical Engineering, v. 54(3), 034111 (2015).
Atomic clock based on a coherent population trapping resonance in 87Rb with improved high-frequency modulation parameters. Proc. SPIE, v. 9378, 93780A (2015).
High average power mode-locked figure-eight Yb fibre master oscillator. Optics Express, v. 22(25), 31379-31386 (2014).
Variable-wavelength second harmonic generation of CW Yb-fibre laser in partially coupled enhancement cavity. Optics Express, v. 22(6), 7046-7051 (2014).
Automatic electronic-controlled mode locking self-start in fibre lasers with non-linear polarisation evolution. Optics Express, v. 21(18), 20626-20631 (2013).
Spectrum-, pulsewidth-, and wavelength-switchable all-fiber mode-locked Yb laser with fiber based birefringent filter. Optics Express, v. 20(16), 17797-17805 (2012).
Gamma-shaped long-cavity normal-dispersion modelocked Er-fiber laser for sub-nanosecond high-energy pulsed generation. Laser Physics Letters, v. 9(1), 59-67 (2012).
Mode-Locked Fibre Lasers with High-Energy Pulses. Chapter 3 in book "Laser Systems for Applications", InTech, 2011.
High-Energy Femtosecond 1086/543-nm Fiber System for Nano- and Micromachining in Transparent Materials and on Solid Surfaces. Laser Physics, v. 21(2), 308-311 (2011).
Mode-Locked Yb Fiber Laser with Saturable Absorber Based on Carbon Nanotubes. Laser Physics, v. 21(2), 283–286 (2011).
High-energy mode-locked all-fiber laser with ultralong resonator. Laser Physics, v. 20(2), 351-356 (2010).
Wide-spectrally-tunable CW and femtosecond linear fiber lasers with ultrabroadband loop mirrors based on fiber circulators. Laser Physics, v. 20(2), 347-350 (2010).
Powerful narrow-line source of blue light for laser cooling Yb/Er and Dysprosium atoms. Proc. SPIE, v. 7578, 75782F (2010).
Ultra-wide-tunable fibre source of femto- and picosecond pulses based on intracavity Raman conversion. Proc. SPIE, v. 7580, 758023 (2010).
Generation of double-scale femto/pico-second optical lumps in mode-locked fiber lasers. Optics Express, v. 17(23), 20707-20713 (2009).
Wide-autoscanned narrow-line tunable system based on CW Ti:Sapphire/Dye laser for high precision experiments in nanophysics. Proc. SPIE, v. 7193, 71932S (2009).
Ultra-low repetition rate mode-locked fiber laser with high-energy pulses. Optics Express, v. 16(26), 21936-21941 (2008).
High-energy Q-switched fiber laser based on the side-pumped active fiber. Laser Physics, v. 18(11), 1230-1233 (2008).
Hybrid bulk/fibre MOPA system based on Yb:KYW laser. Proc. SPIE, v. 6871, 68710Y (2008).
Long-term frequency stabilization of a continuous-wave tunable laser with the help of a precision wavelengthmeter. Applied Optics, v. 46(23), 5840-5843 (2007).
Ultra-narrow-linewidth combined CW Ti:Sapphire/Dye laser for atom cooling and high-precision spectroscopy. Proc. SPIE, v. 6451, 64511U (2007).
Resonant doubler with a 2-THz automatic quasi-smooth scan range for widely tunable CW single-frequency lasers. Proc. SPIE, v. 6455, 645517 (2007).
Combined CW single-frequency ring Dye/Ti:Sapphire laser. Quantum Electronics, v. 36(12), 1148 - 1152 (2006).